
4 Reasons To Start Meal Prepping Today

The words “meal prep” have probably come up in a lot of your past conversations with friends or online searches. Although it is quite talked about at the moment, it is not just a trend. There are many advantages to planning out and even cooking your meals ahead of time and for amazing tips and tricks make sure you check out f&b consultancy singapore.

And contrary to popular opinion, you don’t have to be reaching retirement age or have tons of time on your hands in order to be able to meal prep like a pro! Here are four reasons to help you get off the fence and to start meal prepping today! 

Save Money

It goes without saying that when you plan ahead, you will save money. Not only will you not give in (or give in less easily) to eating out but you will also be able to do your grocery shopping with intention and purpose. 

Those who meal prep start with recipes that are of interest to them. They then make their shopping list accordingly and are able to go to the grocery store and only buy exactly what they need. When you are not meandering around the store looking for random things to eat, you will spend less money on things you do not need! 

Less Waste

When planning out your meals, you will buy ingredients that are specific to the recipes that you have chosen for the week. This will enable you to use all or most of each element and to not have half-eaten food in your friend. 

And if you are really ready to meal prep with a challenge, try zero-waste cooking! This is when you use every single part of your vegetable to its fullest! It’s quite the challenge but oh so rewarding. 

Room For Spontaneity

Although one of the goals behind meal prepping is to save money by not eating out, you can reward yourself every now and then with a restaurant or takeaway. On that same note, having your meals ready at home can also enable you to be a bit more spontaneous! 

You can agree to have drinks after work but still save money by not eating out because you know you have a readied dinner to come home to. The same goes for having friends over for a quick bite to eat. If you have meals ready to go, you can have guests over and impress them with your quick-cooking (reheating) skills! 

Longer Shelf Life

Meal prepping also means that if you made too much of one thing and are no longer in the mood for it, you can just pop it in a Tupperware container and put it in your freezer. Just wait until you are not in the mood to cook and then you will simply just have to heat it up again and enjoy! 

Peter Ranson

Peter has been a keen blogger and amateur food critic for over 20 years.  When eating and drink Peter loves spending time with his family and friends.

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